the text of Small Santiago Tablet only one obvious example of the
haga rave sign occurs:
Gb5-12 |
Gb5-13 |
Gb5-14 |
Gb5-15 |
Gb5-16 |
the summary page in the kava 'chapter' an excursion leads
further on into the 'dark' season of the G text, searching for 'the
27th kuhane station' (Papa O Pea). In this excursion
it was established that Gb5-13 is located at the middle of
the 'dark' season.
The first half of the season beyond midsummer is ending with
116 |
10 |
Gb1-6 |
Gb1-7 |
Gb4-33 |
Gb5-1 |
Gb5-12 |
210 |
1 |
118 |
119 |
130 |
11 |
6 |
55 |
29 |
Gb5-13 |
Gb5-25 |
Gb6-3 |
Gb7-31 |
Gb8-30 |
131 |
143 |
150 |
206 |
236 |
23 |
Ga1-1 |
Ga1-25 |
Ga1-26 |
237 |
261 |
1 |