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Counting backwards from the end of the text, we discover the unusual glyph type pare as the first glyph of line Pa10. It is number 628 (200π) counted from the end of the text. Another pare (Pa3-3) is located 16 * 26 = 416 glyphs earlier:
415 627
Pa3-3 Pa10-1
115 531
416 = 16 * 26 628 = 200π

We recognize the two 'fists' in Pa3-3 from earlier experiences, e.g. in Sb2-8. They are like early spring 'buds' (which later will develop into 'flowery fingers of light'):

Sb2-6 Sb2-7 Sb2-8

Pa10-1 is a weak sun sign compared to Pa3-3. It has a ghostly quality because it presumably initiates autumn. 16 * 26 - the distance from the 'spring pare' to the 'fall pare' - alludes to the last night of growing moon (16) and to the corresponding number of the sun (26). The meaning is in plain sight: the 416 glyphs from the first pare to the second describe summer, the season of light.