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In concentrate:

A Ka2-1--6 6 10 36
B Ka2-7--10 4
C Ka2-11--16 6 12 26
D Ka2-17--22 6
E Ka3-1--4 4 12 14
F Ka3-5--8 4
G Ka3-9--12 4
H = 0 Ka3-13--14 2

The sums at right are consequences of how the glyphs seem to be related. There are 8 periods (including H = 0 which glyphs now evidently can be regarded as the last 2 among the 36). 4 of the periods lie in line Ka2 and 4 in line Ka3.

The 10 glyphs at the beginning of line Ka2 is a separate group, while the 26 following presumably are to be regarded as 13 pairs, each pair ending with toga, ihe tau or similar.

C and D belong together because of the 4 standing persons, and they 'inhabit' the first position in pairs of glyphs:

Ka2-11 Ka2-13 Ka2-15
Ka2-17 Ka2-19 Ka2-21

E, F, and G similarly belong to another group of glyphs because of an absence of standing persons, together with a presence of fishes and birds:

Ka3-1 Ka3-2 Ka3-3 Ka3-4
Ka3-5 Ka3-6 Ka3-7 Ka3-8
Ka3-9 Ka3-10 Ka3-11 Ka3-12