
Ra'i, T. 1. Sky. 2. Palace. 3. Prince. Henry.

1. Sky, heaven, firmament; ragi moana, blue sky. 2. Cloud; ragipuga, cumulus; ragitea, white, light clouds; ragi poporo, nimbus; ragi hoe ka'i cirrus (literally: like sharp knives); ragi viri, overcast sky; ragi kerekere, nimbus stratus; ragi kirikiri miro, clouds of various colours. 3. To call, to shout, to exclaim. Vanaga.

1. Sky, heaven, firmament, paradise; no te ragi, celestial. 2. Appeal, cry, hail, formula,  to invite, to send for, to notify, to felicitate, precept, to prescribe, to receive, to summon; ragi no to impose; ragi tarotaro, to menace, to threaten; tagata ragi, visitor; ragikai, feast, festival; ragitea, haughty, dominating. 3. Commander. 4. To love, to be affectionate, to spare, sympathy, kind treatment; ragi kore, pitiless; ragi nui, faithful. Churchill.

Modoc, a language used on the northwest coast of North America: 'A single word, lagi, was used both for the chief and for a rich man who possessed several wives, horses, armour made of leather or wooden slats, well-filled quivers and precious firs. In addition to owning these material assets, the chief had to win military victories, possess exceptional spiritual powers and display a gift for oratory.' (The Naked Man)