Coordinating the 24 first kuhane stations with the year Barthel 2 has suggested the following (the table is adapted by me):

1st quarter

2nd quarter

3rd quarter

4th quarter

He Anakena (July)

Tagaroa uri (October)

Tua haro (January)

Vaitu nui (April)

Te Pei

Te Pou


One Tea



Nga Kope Ririva Te Pu Mahore

Hora iti (August)

Ko Ruti (November)

Tehetu'upú (February)

Vaitu potu (May)

Hua Reva Akahanga

Hanga Takaure


Hanga Hoonu

Rangi Meamea

Te Poko Uri Te Manavai

Hora nui (September)

Ko Koró (December)

Tarahao (March)

He Maro (June)

Hatinga Te Kohe Roto Iri Are

Pua Katiki

Maunga Teatea

Peke Tau O Hiti

Mauga Hau Epa

Te Kioe Uri Te Piringa Aniva

Winter solstice occurs in June and I have blackmarked the month with its two halves.  The 'house' at summer solstice probably has Te Pou (Sirius) as a 'ragi pillar' erected already in July.

Notice the similarities between the names Te Pou and Te Pau (in Haga Te Pau) - as if mirror images of each other - one at the beginning and the other at the end of the year. Te Pau is located before winter solstice, while Te Pou comes after winter solstice.