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hua poporo Hua is the word for 'fruit' (also figuratively used), while poporo refers to the plant Solanum nigrum.
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A few preliminary remarks and imaginations:

1. Poporo was used for tattooing and we may presumably, therefore, sometimes read this type of glyph as 'black'.

The plant is - according to bishop Jaussen's documentation of what Metoro Tau'a Ure told him - a species of the family of plants named Solanum. Barthel suggested the species to be Solanum nigrum. As nigrum means black, the glyph perhaps signified 'black'.

Poporo was used for obtaining colour for tattooing. There are though several different variants of glyphs showing this plant, and possibly not all of these imply colour for tattooing. Every gift from nature was taken care of to the utmost.

"Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade, Duscle, Garden Nightshade, Hound's Berry, Petty Morel, Small-fruited black nightshade, Sunberry, or Wonderberry) is a species in the Solanum genus, native to Eurasia and also introduced in the Americas. In Hawaii it is called popolo.

The green berries and mature leaves contain glycoalkaloids and are poisonous to eat raw. Their toxicity varies and there are some strains which have edible berries when fully ripe. The plant has a long history of medicinal usage, dating back to ancient Greece. In India, the berries are casually grown and eaten; but not cultivated for commercial use. In Tamil, the berries are called sundakai

Black nightshade is a fairly common plant, found in many wooded areas, as well as disturbed habitats. It has a height of 30-120 cm (12-48"), leaves 4-7.5 cm (1 1/2-3") long; ovate to heart-shaped, with wavy or large-toothed edges. The flowers have petals greenish to whitish, recurved when aged and surround prominent bright yellow anthers. The fruits are oval black berries in small hanging clusters.
