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2. The ancient Chinese used to drill holes in turtle shells and then place them in the fire to see what cracks developed. The cracks foretold the future:

(Ref. Lindqvist)

Turtles can be associated with earth (the Middleworld) and earth is resistant to fire. The Polynesians had earth-ovens (umu) in which food was prepared. The heavenly firedrill had a turtle at the bottom presumably to isolate the earth from a general conflagration when at new year a fire must be ignited.

(Ref. Hamlet's Mill)

"... the tortoise cannot be burnt ... a characteristic which is confirmed objectively by ethnography, since the wolf's trick [in M192] of trying to cook the tortoise while it was lying on its back is based on a method which may seem barbarous but is still current in central Brazil: the tortoise is so difficult to kill that the peasants cook it alive among the hot wood cinders, with its own shell acting as the cooking-dish; the process may last several hours, because the poor beast takes so long to die ..." (From Honey to Ashes)