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3. The sky is like a kind of roof. Above the roof the gods have their abode (heaven). They can fly up there. Maybe the stars are holes in the roof and if so then the stars are evidence that the gods live in a glorious light.

"Two men came to a hole in the sky. One asked the other to lift him up. If only he would do so, then he in turn would lend him a hand. His comrade lifted him up, but hardly was he up when he shouted for joy, forgot his comrade and ran into heaven.

The other could just manage to peep over the edge of the hole; it was full of feathers inside. But so beautiful was it in heaven that the man who looked over the edge forgot everything, forgot his comrade whom he had promised to help up and simply ran off into all the splendour of heaven." (Arctic Sky)

The light flaming from the sun is like the light from the stars - it is a sign of fire (which in turn is symbolized by feathers).

Cultural (non-civilized) man knew how the sky roof slowly revolved and that early each morning (or evening) the movement could be observed in the way the sky had changed its position a little bit since yesterday.

Against the background of the starry sky the movement of the sun could be regarded as constant. Every morning the sun rose at dawn and every evening he went down at the other end of the sky.

Possibly, the canoe in which the sun travelled was like a big hole in the sky. The hole moved slowly to keep the sun rising and setting at the correct time depending on season.

(Source: Wikipedia)