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Number 42 is a very ancient mythic (and presumably esoteric) number. I have not seen it explained, but have derived its meaning by myself. To start with I found in the myth of Egyptian Osiris a curious notion of 42 judges in the "Hall of the Two Truths" in the underworld:

"... They tightly swathed the broken body in linen bandages, and when they performed over it the rites that thereafter were to be continued in Egypt in the ceremonial burial of kings, Isis fanned the corpse with her wings and Osiris revived, to become the ruler of the dead. He now sits majestically in the underworld, in the Hall of the Two Truths, assisted by forty-two assessors, one from each of the principal districts of Egypt; and there he judges the souls of the dead ..." (Campbell)

The 42 assessors are sitting in two lines at the top of the picture, 21 in each line.

I have found only one more reference to 42:

"... according to the legend Sabazius was torn by the Titans into seven pieces. Seven was Jehovah's mystical number; so was also 42, the number of letters in his enlarged Name, and according to Cretan tradition, the number of pieces into which the Titans tore the bull-god Zagreus ..." (The White Goddess)