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Another type of bird looks like this:

where the difference lies in the form of the beak, no bird of prey this.

Example of a glyph sequence which includes a bird with a 'reversed beak', here at new year time:


Eb5-29 Eb5-30 Eb5-31 Eb5-32
Eb5-33 Eb5-34 Eb5-35 Eb6-1
Eb6-2 Eb6-3 Eb6-4 Eb6-5

Ideas about the meaning of this not-bird-of-prey must be tested against the texts. Therefore we ought to have a complete list of GD11 glyphs with a  'reversed beak'. Such a list for Tahua is seen here.

And we should not forget that in Eb7-6 the GD11 with 'reversed beak' probably represents the Moon (in contrast with how the Moon appears in Ab6-45). In Ab6-45 the feet are assymmetric and the 'canoe of the Moon' maybe is expressed not with the beak but with the upstretched wing:

The left foot (as seen from us) presumably represent the back side (with the bird looking towards right). Assymmetric feet on GD11 birds are localized to side b of Tahua, possibly also indicating the side of the Moon.