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Between the end of the old year and the emergence of a new one there should be an interval in the dark (), such was the cycle of the Moon.

... When the new moon appeared women assembled and bewailed those who had died since the last one, uttering the following lament: 'Alas! O moon! Thou has returned to life, but our departed beloved ones have not. Thou has bathed in the waiora a Tane, and had thy life renewed, but there is no fount to restore life to our departed ones. Alas ...

This idea was then applied also to the cycle of the Sun:

... Nut, whom the Greeks sometimes identified with Rhea, was goddess of the sky, but it was debatable if in historical times she was the object of a genuine cult. She was Geb's twin sister and, it was said, married him secretly and against the will of Ra. Angered, Ra had the couple brutally separated by Shu and afterwards decreed that Nut could not bear a child in any given month of any year. Thoth, Plutarch tells us, happily had pity on her. Playing draughts with the Moon, he won in the course of several games a seventy-second part of the Moon's light with which he composed five new days. As these five intercalated days did not belong to the official Egyptian calendar of three hundred and sixty days, Nut was thus able to give birth successively to five children: Osiris, Haroeris (Horus), Set, Isis and Nepthys ...

Could old clock faces have had a gap between 11 and 1? But modern thought disregarded the face of the Moon, for the face of the Sun was constantly illuminating - industrious light was leaving no room for recreating life.

Bb1-22 (443) Bb1-23 Bb1-24 → 5 * 5 * 5 Bb1-26 Bb1-27 Bb1-28 (449)
eko te manu kua mau - ki to ahi kua haga - te mea ke kua hupe ma te maitaki kua rere te manu vae oho ku pepepepe te manu

Hupee. Mucus; hupeehupee, asthma. T Pau., Ta.: hupe, mucus. Churchill. Ta.: Hupe, mucus. (Sa.: isupē, id.) Ma.: hupe, id. Churchill. Rhume, air froide. Jaussen according to Barthel.

Pepe. 1. A sketch. 2. Bench, chair, couch, seat, sofa, saddle; here pepe, mau pepe, to saddle; noho pepe, a tabouret. Pepepepe, bedstead. 3. Pau.: butterfly. Ta.: pepe, id. Mq.: pepe, id. Sa.: pepe, id. Ma.: pepe, a moth; pepererau, fin, Mgv.: pererau, wing. Ta.: pereraru, id. Ma.: parirau, id. Harepepe, kelp. Here pepe, to saddle. Churchill. Sa.: pepe, a butterfly, a moth, to flutter about. Nukuoro, Fu., Niuē, Uvea, Fotuna, Nuguria, Ta., Mq.: pepe, a butterfly. Ma.: pepe, a grup, a moth; pepepepe, a butterfly; pepeatua, a species of butterfly. To.: bebe, a butterfly. Vi.: mbèbè, a butterfly. Rotumā: pep, id. Churchill 2. Mq.: Pepepepe, low, flat. Ha.: pepepe, id. Churchill.


22h (334.8)

KAE UH (Roof) = ο Aquarii (334.0), AL KURHAH (White Spot) = ξ Cephei (334.4), SADALMELIK (Lucky King) = α Aquarii, AL DHANAB (The Tail) = λ Gruis (334.6), ι Aquarii, ν Pegasi (334.7)

*293.0 = *334.4 - *41.4
ι Pegasi (335.0), ALNAIR (The Bright One) = α Gruis (335.1), μ Piscis Austrini, υ Piscis Austrini (335.3), WOO (Pestle) = π Pegasi (335.7), BAHAM = θ Pegasi (Good Luck of the Two Beasts), τ Piscis Austrini (335.8) ζ Cephei (336.2), λ Cephei (336.3), -/270 Lac. (336.7), λ Piscis Austrini (336.8)

μ Gruis (337.0), ε Cephei (337.2), 1/325 Lac. (337.3), ANCHA (Hip) = θ Aquarii (337.4), ψ Oct. (337.5), α Tucanae (337.9)

*296.0 = *337.4 - *41.4

Al Sa'ad al Ahbiyah-23 (Lucky Star of Hidden Things) / Shatabisha-25 (Comprising a Hundred Physicians)

 ε Oct. (338.1), ρ Aquarii (338.2), 2/365 Lac. (338.5), SADACHBIA = γ Aquarii (338.6), π Gruis (338.9)

β/172 Lac. (339.2), 4/1100 Lac. (339.4), π Aquarii (339.5)

*298.0 = *339.4 - *41.4

CASTOR (α Gemini)

δ Tucanae (340.1), ρ Cephei (340.2),  ν Gruis (340.3), ζ Aquarii, δ Gruis (340.4), 5/1100 Lac. (340.7), σ Aquarii, 6/650 Lac. (340.9)

*299.0 = *340.4 - *41.4

PROCYON (α Canis Minoris)

... Horapollo, the grammarian of Alexandria, about AD 400, tells us that the crane was the symbol of a star-observer in Egypt ... Grus has as an alternative name Flamingo (a name which sounds quite similar to that of the bird Phoenix) which obviously is based on 'flame'. Phoenicopterus (the Flamingo) is characterized by its red feathers. Wikipedia: ... from Greek φοινικόπτερος meaning 'purple wing'. Purple is the colour for kings and 'phoenix' should therefore mean 'purple, the colour of the king' ...

Febr 18 (414) 19 20 (*336) 21 22 (447 - 29) 23 (Terminalia) 24 (420)
DEC 16 (350) 17 18 19 20 21 (SOLSTICE) 22 (420 - 64)
421 + 29 = 450 Bb1-30 Bb1-31 Bb2-1 (32)
υ Oct. (341.0), α/91 Lac. (341.1), HOMAN (Hero) = ζ Pegasi, β Piscis Austrini (341.2), ν Tucanae (341.5), υ Aquarii (341.9) η Aquarii (342.1), σ Gruis (342.4), SITULA (Water-jar) = κ Aquarii (342.7)

*301.0 = *342.4 - *41.4

ε Piscis Austrini (343.5), ο Pegasi, β Gruis (343.8) ρ Gruis (344.0), MATAR (Rain) = η Pegasi (344.2), η Gruis (344.6), β Oct. (344.7)
Febr 25 (421) 26 (451 - 29) 27 28 (360 + 64)

421 = number of glyphs on side a of the tablet.

422 = 396 + 26.

423 = 4 * 91 + 2 * 29½.

424 = 392 + 32 = 364 + 28 + 32 = 364 + 60 = 365 + 59.

DEC 23 X-MAS EVE 25 (359) 26 (177 + 183)
JUNE 23 ST JOHN'S DAY 25 (176) 26 (6 * 29½)

The glyphs to be counted were ending with Situla. For here the Sun had reached JUNE 24 (175 = 180 - 5) and then came the dark days.

... The month, which takes its name from Juppiter the oak-god, begins on June 10th and ends of July 7th. Midway comes St. John's Day, June 24th, the day on which the oak-king was sacrificially burned alive. The Celtic year was divided into two halves with the second half beginning in July, apparently after a seven-day wake, or funeral feast, in the oak-king's honour ....