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The glyph type in Bb11-21 is hipu, and - as I can remember - in the G text there was a hipu also in Gb4-17:

The rongorongo glyphs seem to refer to the grid of right ascension days and therefore April 23 (Bb11-33) at Mira / Khambalia should be ca 16 days before these stars returned to visibility (in day 129 resptively in 312). Although due to my assumption of *64 precessional right ascension days down to the Golden Era of the Bull these day number need to be adjusted with +16 days in order to accommodate for the ancient rule of return to visibility (49 + 16 = 65). As I have hinted below this fact may be responsible for how half a year later than the true heliacal dates the corresponding nakshatra day numbers evidently are 16 days lower than the intended numbers. 664 (October 26) for instance, when 71 Virginis returned to visibility after her close encounter with the rays from the rising Sun, was 16 days after October 10, the true heliacal right ascension day. The number of glyphs on side b of the A tablet = 664. Observation of the stars at the Full Moon were not impeded by the rays from the rising Sun. 296 (October 23) - 129 (May 9) = 167 = 183 (July 4) - 16.

JAN 27



FEBR 5 (36)

6 (53 - 16 = 37) 11 FEBR 18 (65 - 16)

Bb11-11 (850)

Bb11-12 (430)


Bb11-21 (860)

Bb11-33 (872)

April 1 (91)

2 April 10 (100) 11 (466) 23 (St George )
The Legs (*11.4) The Whip (*12.4) The Knee (*20) δ Phoenicis (*21) Mira = ο Ceti (*33)
Oct 1 (274 = 290 - 16) 2 Oct 10 (648 = 664 - 16) 11 (284 = 300 - 16) Oct 23 (296)
Alioth (*194) Minelauva (*195) 71 Virginis (*203) No star listed (*204) Khambalia (*216.4)

Niu. Palm tree, coconut tree; hua niu, coconut. Vanaga. Coconut, palm, spinning top.  P Pau., Ta.: niu, coconut. Mgv.: niu, a top; niu mea, coconut. Mq.: niu, coconut, a top. Churchill. The fruit of miro. Buck. T. 1. Coconut palm. 2. Sign for peace. Henry. The sense of top lies in the fact that the bud end of a coconut shell is used for spinning, both in the sport of children and as a means of applying to island life the practical side of the doctrine of chances. Thus it may be that in New Zealand, in latitudes higher than are grateful to the coconut, the divination sense has persisted even to different implements whereby the arbitrament of fate may be declared. Churchill 2.

Nikau. Mgv.: The coco palm. Ta.: niau, coconut leaf. Ha.: niau, stem of the coconut leaf. Ma.: nikau, an areca palm. Churchill. Mgv.: niu, the coconut palm when young, ripening into nikau. ... the ni of New Caledonia leads us to infer that niu was anciently a composite in which ni carried at least some sort of generic sense, it being understood that this refers to those characteristics which might strike the islanders as indicating a genus. In composition with kau tree we should then see nikau, the ni-tree, serving in Mangareva for the coconut palm, in New Zealand for the characteristic palm (Areca sapida) of that land, in Tahiti as niau for coconut leaf, and as niau in Hawaii for the leaf stalk of the coconut. The ni-form is found in Micronesia, and in the Marshall Islands ni is the coconut. Churchill 2.

Nika. 'Savage tribes knew the Pleiades familiarly, as well as did the people of ancient and modern civilization; and Ellis wrote of the natives of the Society and Tonga Islands, who called these stars Matarii, the Little Eyes: The two seasons of the year were divided by the Pleiades; the first, Matarii i nia, the Pleiades Above, commenced when, in the evening, those stars appeared on the horizon, and continued while, after sunset, they were above. The other season, Matarii i raro, the Pleiades Below, began when, at sunset, they ceased to be visible, and continued till, in the evening, they appeared again above the horizon. Gill gives a similar story from the Hervey group, where the Little Eyes are Matariki, and at one time but a single star, so bright that their god Tane in envy got hold of Aumea, our Aldebaran, and, accompanied by Mere, our Sirius, chased the offender, who took refuge in a stream. Mere, however, drained off the water, and Tane hurled Aumea at the fugitive, breaking him into the six pieces that we now see, whence the native name for the fragments, Tauono, the Six, quoted by Flammarion as Tau, both titles singularly like the Latin Taurus. They were the favorite one of the various avelas, or guides at sea in night voyages from one island to another; and, as opening the year, objects of worship down to 1857, when Christianity prevailed throughout these islands.' (Allen)

... When the 'Crooked Claw' (Khambalia) - the reaper's instrument - was seen at the Full Moon in April 23 it portended death of the southern summer year.

And when Mira was at the Full Moon in October 23 it was the opposite, the death of the winter year:

Hipu. Calabash, shell, cup, jug, goblet, pot, plate, vase, bowl, any such receptacle; hipu hiva, melon, bottle; hipu takatore, vessel; hipu unuvai, drinking glass. P Mgv.: ipu, calabash, gourd for carrying liquids. Mq.: ipu, all sorts of small vases, shell, bowl, receptacle, coconut shell. Ta.: ipu, calabash, cup, receptacle. Churchill.





bottle gourd April 26 (116) April 11 (466)

It seems reasonable to here read a pair of light and water - the necessary twin ingredients for agricultural growth:

erua ra manu kua oho
light water

Possibly the words of Metoro therefore meant it was time for the 2nd 'year of water' to go away, because 100 days beyond the end of the old year was here.

Oho. 1. To go: ka-oho! go! go away! (i.e. 'goodbye' said by the person staying behind); ka-oho-mai (very often contracted to: koho-mai), welcome! (lit.: come here); ku-oho-á te tagata, the man has gone. Ohoga, travel, direction of a journey; ohoga-mai, return. 2. Also rauoho, hair. Vanaga. 1. To delegate; rava oho, to root. 2. To go, to keep on going, to walk, to depart, to retire; ka oho, begone, good-bye; oho amua, to preced; oho mai, to come, to bring; oho arurua, to sail as consorts; hakaoho, to send, a messenger. 3. Tehe oho te ikapotu, to abut, adjoin; mei nei tehe i oho mai ai inei te ikapotu, as far as, to; kai oho, to abstain, to forego; hakaoho, to put on the brakes. 4. The head (only in the composite rauoho, hair). Churchill.

Bb11-20 (859)

Ab8-84 (664)

8 * 59 = 472

85 * 9 = 765

6 * 64 = 384

66 * 4 = 264

472 - 384 = 88

765 + 264 = 1029

88 + 290 = 378 (Saturn)

  Synodic cycles:






364.0 = π * 115.88




398.88 = 115.88 + 135





... In China, every year about the beginning of April, certain officials called Sz'hüen used of old to go about the country armed with wooden clappers. Their business was to summon the people and command them to put out every fire. This was the beginning of the season called Han-shih-tsieh, or 'eating of cold food'. For three days all household fires remained extinct as a preparation for the solemn renewal of the fire, which took place on the fifth or sixth day after the winter solstice [Sic!] ...

... The Mahabharata insists on six as the number of the Pleiades as well as of the mothers of Skanda and gives a very broad and wild description of the birth and the installation of Kartikeya 'by the assembled gods ... as their generalissimo', which is shattering, somehow, driving home how little one understands as yet. The least which can be said, assuredly: Mars was 'installed' during a more or less close conjunction of all planets; in Mbh. 9.45 (p. 133) it is stressed that the powerful gods assembled 'all poured water upon Skanda, even as the gods had poured water on the head of Varuna, the lord of waters, for investing him with dominion'. And this 'investiture' took place at the beginning of the Krita Yuga, the Golden Age ...

The Mayas were reading their texts from right to left, and before light had arrived it would be useless to water a plant (a tree), it could only result in a rotten state.

... In the present context 'mouth' has an additional connotation, given that it refers in part to Heart of Earth, the deity called 'Mundo' today. This is the great Mesoamerican earth deity, the ultimate swallower of all living beings, depicted in Classic Mayan art (in the Palenque relief panels, for example) as an enormous pair of jaws upon whose lips even the feet of great lords must rest in precarious balance, and into whose throat even great lords must fall.  Turning to the contemporary scene, daykeepers who visit the main cave beneath the ruins of Rotten Cane, the last Quiché capital, speak of the danger of falling into 'the open mouth of the Mundo' there, which is said to be more than four yards wide ...

And in the G text we can count 55 days (Tau-ono, the 6 'stones' in the Pleiades → 135) from Gb2-27 (→ π) to Gb4-17 with the Full Moon at the culmination (at 21h) of Fom-al-haut, the Mouth of the Fish):

DEC 28 29 30 (364) 31 (*285) JAN 1 (366) 46
Gb2-27 (π) Gb2-28 Gb2-29 (55) Gb2-30 (285) Gb2-31
ι Cephei (346.0), λ Aquarii, γ Piscis Austrini, σ Pegasi (346.5)

SCHEAT AQUARII =  δ Aquarii (347.0), ρ Pegasi (347.2), δ Piscis Austrini (347.4), FOMALHAUT (Mouth of the Fish) = α Piscis Austrini, τ Gruis (347.8)

*306.0 = *347.4 - *41.4
FUM AL SAMAKAH (Mouth of the Fish)  = β Piscium (348.3), ζ Gruis (348.5), ο Andromedae (348.9)

Al Fargh al Mukdim-24 (Fore Spout) / Purva Bhādrapadā-26 (First of the Blessed Feet) / House-13 (Pig)

SCHEAT PEGASI = β Pegasi, π Piscis Austrini (349.3), κ Gruis (349.4), MARKAB PEGASI = α Pegasi (349.5)

*308.0 = *349.4 - *41.4

23h (350.0 = 167.4 + 182.6)

υ, θ Gruis (350.0), π Cephei (350.6), ι Gruis (350.9)
March 2 3 4 (*348) 5 (64) 6 (430)
°Febr 26 27 28 (*344) °March 1 (60) 2
'Febr 3 4 5 (36) 6 (*322) 7 (403)
"Jan 20 21 22 23 (*308) 24 (399)
JUNE 28 29 (*100) 30 (SIRIUS) JULY 1 (182) 2
)ν Hydrae (163.1) No star listed (164)

ALTAIR (α Aquilae)

Wings-27 (Snake)

η Octans (165.4), ALKES (Shallow Basin) = α Crateris (165.6)

*124.0 = *165.4 - *41.4

ANA-TIPU-4 (Upper-side-pillar - where the guards stood)

MERAK (Loin, not Lion) = β Ursae Majoris (166.2), DUBHE (Bear) = α Ursae Majoris (166.7)

11h (167.4)

χ Leonis, χ¹ Hydrae (167.1), χ² Hydrae (167.3)

*167.4 - *41.4 = *126.0
Aug 31 Sept 1 (*164) 2 (245) 3 4
°Aug 27 28 29 (*161) 30 (242) 31
'Aug 4 (216) 5 6 (218) 7 8 (*140)
"July 21 7-22 23 (204) 24 (*125) 25
FEBR 17 18 19 (50) 20 (*336) 21 (417 → 4-17)
Gb4-13 (→ 14 * 29½) Gb4-14 Gb4-15 Gb4-16 (336 → 4 * 84) Gb4-17 (108)
ξ¹ Ceti (32.1) γ, δ Trianguli (33.0), χ Persei (33.2), 10 Trianguli (33.5), θ Arietis (33.3), MIRA (Astonishing) = ο Ceti (33.7) No star listed (34)

ξ Arietis (35.0), ρ Ceti (35.4), 12 Trianguli (35.8), ξ² Ceti (35.9)

*360.0 = *35.4 - *41.4
σ Ceti (36.9)
April 22 (112) 23 24 (*399) 25 (480) 26 (*36)
°April 18 (108) 19 20 21 22 (*32)
'March 26 (85) 27 28 (*372) 29 (*8) 30 (454)
"March 12 13 3-14 (73) 15 16 (*360)
AUG 18 19 20 (*152) 21 22 (234)

Neck-2 (Dragon)

ASELLUS TERTIUS (3rd Ass Colt) = κ Bootis, κ Virginis, 14 Bootis (214.8)

Al Ghafr-13 (The Cover) / Svāti-15 (Very Good) / TAHUA-TAATA-METUA-TE-TUPU-MAVAE-6 (a pillar to stand by)

15 Bootis (215.2), ARCTURUS = α Bootis (215.4), ASELLUS SECUNDUS (2nd Ass Colt) = ι Bootis (215.5), SYRMA (Train of the Virgin's Robe) = ι Virginis, λ Bootis (215.6), η Apodis (215.8)

*174.0 = *215.4 - *41.4 = *148 + *26

ι Lupi, 18 Bootis (216.3), KHAMBALIA (Crooked-Clawed) = λ Virginis (216.4), υ Virginis (216.5), ψ Centauri (216.6), ε Apodis (216.8)

*175.0 = *216.4 - *41.4
ASELLUS PRIMUS (1st Ass Colt) = θ Bootis (217.8)

τ Lupi, δ Oct. (218.1), φ Virginis (218.7)

FOMALHAUT (α Piscis Austrini)
Oct 21 (*214) 22 (295 = 478 - 183) 23 (*216) 24 25 (*218)
°Oct 17 (*210) 18 (291) 19 20 21
'Sept 24 25 (268) 26 27 28 (*191)
"Sept 10 11 (254) 12 13 14 (*177)