A long time ago when I documented the text of line Da3 the structure below was what I perceived, i.e. 6 short sequences together having the quality of 15 inserted days not immediately perceived as connected with the text immediately preceding nor with that immediatley following: Could this be a list of the week? If so, then it had to begin with Mo(o)nday - because of the dark moon crescent in front of Da3-2 and the pair of twin days Tuesday /Mars) and Wednesday (Mercury), possibly with the 'Mars bird man' shown as a youngster:
In my table above I have introduced a division between the first 5 and the last 10 days. Sun is here missing which might be due to the location of his site of burial (tanu). Tanu. To cover something in the ground with stones or soil; to bury a corpse; tanu kopú, to bury completely; this expression is mostly used figuratively: ka-tanu kopú te vânaga tuai era, ina ekó mana'u hakaou, forget those old stories, don't think of them again. Vanaga. To bury, to plant, to sow seed, to inter, to implant, to conceal; tagata tanukai, farmer; tanuaga, burial; tanuaga papaku, funeral; tanuga, plantation; tanuhaga, funeral, tomb. P Pau.: tanu, to cultivate. Mgv.: tanu, to plant, to bury. Mq.: tanu, to plant, to sow. Ta.: tanu, to plant, to sow, to bury. Churchill. After the Sowing and the Tree would come the Raingod crouching down inside Mother Earth as if ready for sleep (in the standard position for the peoples of the Andes):