Now I have spread out (planted) many ideas.

Some of them may not grow and it appears as if we need proof.

But that is wrong, for a proof is single minded. It omits the form (the cradle).

For instance: 36 * 4 ≠ 4 * 36  Because 36 * 4 alludes to 364 (the proper number of days in a year):

... Another name for Mercury was Hermes and Hermes Trismegisthos (thrice-mighty) could have referred to the fact that there were 3.141 * 115.88 = 364.0 days for the cycle of the Earth around the Sun. Although the calendar has 365 days for a year this is due to the fact that the Earth has to turn around an extra day in order to compensate for how the direction to the Sun changes during a year ...

Whereas 436, on the other hand so to say,

alludes to the number of days from 0h to June 1 in the following year. 365 + 10 (March) + 30 (April) + 31 (May) = 436.

March 21 80 0
31 90 10
April 30 120 40
May 31 151 71
June 21 172 92
30 181 101
July 31 212 132
Aug 31 243 163
Sept 22 265 185
30 273 193
Oct 31 304 224
Nov 30 334 254
Dec 21 355 275
31 365 285
Jan 31 31 316
Febr 28 59 344
March 21 80 365
31 90 375
April 30 120 405
May 31 151 436

Instead of proof we need elaboration (embellishments). Work, work, work, but it will never be finished.

For instance: We can now perceive a correspondence between the first Rain God panel and the illustration where Itzam-Yeh is planting his left foot on the nose of his night side opponent (Imix):

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